Dec 16, 2024

What you consume is extremely important for both your inner and outer health. Keep reading to learn about the worst foods for your hair.


Consuming large amounts of sugar can have serious effects on your well-being, including your hair. Basically, sugar prevents the proper absorption of protein in your body and protein is essential for normal, healthy hair growth. This is another reason why you should steer clear of refined sugary items, such as candy, cookies, processed foods and cereals.


Everyone likes a glass of red wine every now and then. However, if you want to protect your hair from dehydration and potential hair loss, you might want to consider cutting back on your alcohol consumption. By drinking alcohol, your body slows down its absorption of zinc, which is vital to maintain a normal Hair Growth Cycle. It can also make your hair dry and be a cause of split ends.

Greasy food

It is rather obvious that greasy food such as french fries, burgers and pizza is not, in any way, good for you. The reason why consuming greasy foods can have negative effects on your hair is because the grease from the food will go to your skin, as well as your scalp. The pores on your scalp might get clogged, resulting in potential hair loss. So stay away from those fast food chains! Of course, you may have heard of the saying ‘everything in moderation’, and it is okay to enjoy a slice of pizza every now and then.

High mercury fish

This may be surprising to some people as fish is often marketed as a food that we should incorporate into our diets. However, you should avoid certain types of fish as their high mercury levels may potentially cause hair loss. These fish types include swordfish, mackerel and some of the fish found in sushi. However, you should be eating fish like canned tuna, salmon and shellfish.

Diet soda

You might be think that you are being slightly healthier by opting for a Diet Coke instead of a regular, but that is not the case. In fact, drinking diet soda can have more negative effects on your body than drinking regular soda because diet soda contains aspartame. Aspartame can be extremely dangerous when consumed in large amounts because it contains methanol. This has been proven to be disruptive for a normal Hair Growth Cycle.

Besides avoiding all the abovementioned foods, another way of preventing hair loss and maintaining healthy hair growth is through a Proteoglycan Replacement Therapy. Hair Growth+ inCLINIC is a safe, drug-free and scientifically proven treatment that promotes and normalises a healthy Hair Growth Cycle by prolonging the Anagen (growth) phase. For optimal results, it is recommended to continue treatment for at least six months.