Many people suffer from postpartum depression after giving birth for several different reasons that are both physical and emotional. Some women become depressed due to the changes in hormone levels, while others may just feel overwhelmed or anxious about being a mother. Symptoms of postpartum depression include severe mood swings, withdrawing from friends, family and your baby, insomnia, severe fatigue and even thoughts of harming yourself or your baby.* There are several tips you can practice to cope with postpartum depression, but if you are experiencing these symptoms it is important that you contact a doctor or certified therapist.
Creating an emotional attachment to your baby can lead to a happier life for you and your child. Some mothers may feel immediate love and affection for their baby, while others need a little extra time to bond. There are many things you can do to feel closer to your child, including baby massage, singing and creating skin-to-skin contact. Having a close relationship with your baby might help decrease feelings of worthlessness and guilt.
Physical activity has proven to relieve symptoms of postpartum depression. Walking with your baby in a stroller is an effective way of exercising and taking care of your baby at the same time. Some fitness centres also offer exercise classes, such as yoga and pilates, for new mothers. Exercise releases endorphins in the brain that might improve your mood.
Being in tune with your thoughts and emotions is vital for a happy life. Meditation and mindfulness can help relieve some of the anxiety that comes with postpartum depression. By focusing on your breathing and heartbeat, you automatically tune out your surroundings and may start to feel calmer and at peace. Consider reading this article to learn more about mindfulness here.
It is easy for a new mother to isolate herself from friends and family. However, withdrawing from the people you surrounded yourself with before having a baby can lead to postpartum depression. Focusing solely on your baby can be unhealthy, and it is important to make time for yourself. Meet up with some of your friends that also have children or seek out groups or classes for new mothers.
Maintaining a healthy, protein-filled diet can have a significant impact on your mood and your well-being. It is important to incorporate vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, chicken and fatty fish, such as salmon, in order to provide your brain and your body with the right nutrients. Meal planning is an efficient way of tracking if your body is getting what it needs.